Notice: We have calculated the exchange rate as 1 USD = 120 Tk. for mobile banking & SSLCommerz follows international exchange rate.

Shared Hosting (BDIX)


05 GB Pure SSD
100 GB Bandwidth
02 Websites
Unlimited Email, Database
cPanel Control Panel
100% BDIX support
LiteSpeed Web Server
Free SSL certificate
Weekly Backup
1 click script installation
Latest PHP Version
Instant active service
24Hrs Support Ticket
Bangladeshi Server


10 GB Pure SSD
200 GB Bandwidth
05 Websites
Unlimited Email, Database
cPanel Control Panel
100% BDIX support
LiteSpeed Web Server
Free SSL certificate
Weekly Backup
1-click script installation
Latest PHP Version
Instant active service
24Hrs Support Ticket
Bangladeshi Server


20 GB Pure SSD
400 GB Bandwidth
10 Websites
Unlimited Email, Database
cPanel Control panel
100% BDIX support
LiteSpeed Web Server
Free SSL certificate
Weekly Backup
1 click script installation
Latest PHP Version
Instant active service
24Hrs Support Ticket
Bangladeshi Server


50 GB Pure SSD
1000 GB Bandwidth
20 Websites
Unlimited Email, Database
cPanel Control panel
100% BDIX support
LiteSpeed Web Server
Free SSL certificate
Weekly Backup
1 click script installation
Latest PHP Version
Instant active service
24Hrs Support Ticket
Bangladeshi Server